Ignore vendors with too low prices

Sometimes there are price errors in vendors files, and if you publish selling prices based on too low prices you may not be able to cancel B2C orders for such products.

To avoid losses in such cases we have the following admin setting:

Configuration / General Settings / Ignore vendor price when it is lower than the specified percent of current product base price

Default value = 60

If you want to turn the function off, set it to 0

(info) special case #1

At least one vendor has a price error where the price is too high, and the system base cost price is increased as a result.

We don't block this because selling for too high price doesn't cost you anything.

However, when the vendor sets the price back to normal, the vendor is ignored because the price drop is too high.

( In a case like this, looking in the admin, you may not find out which vendor had the higher price. The reasons for this could be that it's more than 30 days ago, or that the vendor is no longer offering that product.)

(info) special case #2

It is correct that the price drop for a product is bigger than your "ignore"-setting.

There are currently two solutions to fix prices for such cases.

  1. the quick workaround is to make a change to the product (add a local offer for instance), save, then reverse what you did and save again.
  2. turn the function off. This resets all prices affected around 1800-2000 CET. You can turn the function on again the next day if you want to use it.