What it is

Coupons/rebate codes can be a powerful promo tool to drive customers to your webshop.
The customer enters the code in the shopping cart and receives discounts, free shipping, free products, etc. based on his purchase.
You control what the customers get when using the codes, and in which cases the codes are valid.

Create a new coupon

Set the type of the rebate

1) discount: percent or fixed amount
2) add another product to the order for a specific price (get product X for free when you buy product Y, for instance)
3) special freight price for a given freight method

set options (conditions) for use of the coupon

Any combination of the following:
1) when you buy specific products
2) when you buy products from a specific manufacturer
3) when you buy products in a given product category
4) when the purchase amount is above a certain limit